GPTs for Authors

I build GPT chatbots to help authors with productivity and social media presence. The list below are all the GPTs I've built so far, and I'll be adding to the list frequently.

Social Media Marketing


Ria: SFF Romance Marketing Expert - Helps SFF romance authors with their Instagram presence and can build a full strategy + detailed schedule of posts complete with hooks, hashtags, and images. Will work best the more information about your books you can give her.

Rita: Contemporary Romance Marketing Expert - Helps contemporary romance authors with their Instagram presence and can build a full strategy + detailed schedule of posts complete with hooks, hashtags, and images. Will work best the more information about your books you can give her.



Vera: Contemporary Romance Marketing Expert - Helps contemporary romance authors with their Facebook presence and can plan an entire Facebook strategy and write content for it + make images and help with ad campaigns.


Writing Analysis

Summarybot: Summarizing Prose Chapters - Paste a chapter of prose and get story beats, a summary, and character analysis!

Marcus: Story Bible BuilderPaste a chapter of prose and get character, world, and worldbuilding data!


Author Career and Mindset

Sunshine: Your Author Career Gratitude FriendAn author coach to help you build a mindset of gratitude by listing three things you're grateful for every day (Legal disclaimer: not intended to treat or diagnose any condition, for entertainment purposes only)